
There are three sets of definitions in Article VIIOpens in new window of the CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and RetaliationOpens in new window (Nondiscrimination Policy):

Article VII.A: Prohibited Conduct DefinedOpens in new window

This Nondiscrimination Policy prohibits Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation as described below. Capitalized terms used in the policy are described in Article VII. B. The definitions of Prohibited Conduct below should be used for alleged misconduct that occurs on or after January 1, 2022. The definitions that should be used for alleged misconduct that occurred prior to January 1, 2022, are those in the policy in place at the time of the alleged misconduct.

Article VII.B: Definitions of Capitalized TermsOpens in new window

The definitions of capitalized terms apply to the Nondiscrimination Policy, the Procedures for Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation Made Against an Employee or Third-Party, and the Procedures for Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation Made Against a Student.

Article VII.C: Track 1: Federal Mandated Hearing Process Prohibited Conduct DefinedOpens in new window

These definitions of prohibited conduct apply to cases that are determined by the campus Title IX Coordinator as meeting the requirements to proceed under Track 1 of the procedures accompanying this Nondiscrimination Policy.


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Last Published 3/30/23

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